[Pictured above: Oi Polloi were the first punk rock band to record a single Carson in Scottish Gaelic.]
2 WEEK Gaelic Immersion
Speak and understand more Gaelic with this intensive 2 week course!
WHEN: Monday APRIL 14 to Friday APRIL 25
10am till 4pm 1 hr lunch break
WHERE: Cape Breton Gaelic Society
296 George Street, Sydney
Instructors: Angus MacLeod and Beth MacNeil
The classes will be in the TIP (Total Immersion Plus) methodology.
It is total Gaelic immersion during class time. You learn through hands-on interaction with the tutor and fellow students.
You will learn practical and useful language in a fun and comfortable setting.
The tutors have a wonderful sense of humor which makes your learning experience more enjoyable.
It is recommended that you bring a recording device as there is no reading or writing taught.
Gaelic show about Cape from 70's
By listening to your recordings at home you will learn and progress much faster.
Bring your lunch, tea and coffee will be provided.
[About this video: this is a very old show called Se' Ceap Breatainn Tir Mo Graidh which was prodiced by scottish television about Gaelic in Cape Breton. It is the only footage I've ever seen of Joe Neil MacNeil and other old timers. This segment features Maxie MacNeil and his daughters as well as a Gaelic mass in Glendale. Its a rough copy. ]
For registration or more info
call Peggy Gillis 902-828-2218
WHEN: Every Saturday until April 12 (with the exception of Easter Saturday March 22)
10am till 3pm 1 hr lunch break
WHERE: Cape Breton Gaelic Society
296 George Street, Sydney
Instructors: Beginners Beth MacNeil
Intermediate Shannon MacDonald
Advanced Angus MacLeod
The teaching method used is TIP (Total Immersion Plus).
Bring lunch, tea and coffee provided.
Call Peggy with any questions
Cardiff School of Creative & Cultural Industries
mwoods[at]glam[dot]ac[dot]ukClick here to go directly to my personal blog page called Welsh-American Family Genealogy, on the World Wide Web.
Click here to go directly to my personal blog page called Welsh Music, Film, and Books Symposium, on the World Wide Web.
Click here to go directly to my personal blog page called Celtic Cult Cinema on the World Wide Web.
Visit the UK Film Studies and World Cinema and Music Import Showcase
© 2008 Dr. Mark Leslie WoodsSmart & Sexy? Your Queer Advantage is waiting!
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© 2008 Dr. Mark Leslie Woods