Audiovisual Representations of National Identity for Small Nations: Web 2.0, BBC Wales, S4C, ITV Wales, Welsh TV and Film, Modern Writers from Wales, Welsh-North American, Cymreig Culture, Scottish Films, British Films, Sinema Cymru, Celtic music and movies, UK Filmmakers, Irish TV and Film, Cymru. Celtic Folk Music, Welsh Hymnology and Poetry. Le Cinéma Québécois, le cinéma Bretagne et des autres pays Celtiques. Tutte le cose celtiche, britanniche, gaeliche, scozzese e gallese.
Thursday, 12 March 2009
Cardiff ATRiuM: George Ewart Evans Centenary Fête April 1, 2009
[Pictured above: George Ewart Evans (1909, Abercynon, South Wales – 1988) was a Welsh-born schoolteacher, writer and folklorist who became a dedicated collector of oral history and oral tradition in the East Anglian countryside from the 1940s to 1970s, and produced eleven books of collections of these materials.]
My esteemed colleague Professor Hamish Fyfe writes to us:
Dear Colleagues,
A date for your diaries
The 1st of April 2009 marks the centenary of the birth of the writer and pioneer oral historian George Ewart Evans. His name is eponymous to the Centre for Storytelling here in CCI. George was born in Abercynon but completed most of his seminal work in Suffolk.
The gathering here in Atrium on the 1st of April will bring together significant figures to consider his life, his work and his legacy..
These will include his son the former Faber and Faber Chairman Matthew Evans, David Gentleman the artist, Colin Thomas the film-maker our colleague the historian Gareth Williams who is Evans’s biographer.
If you know about Evans’s work come and join us in celebrating, if you don’t come and learn more about the man and his work from those that knew, read and have been influenced by him . . .
Hamish Fyfe
Professor Hamish Fyfe,
Cardiff School of Creative and Cultural Industries
Atrium, University of Glamorgan
Adam Street, Cardiff, CF24 2XF
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© 2009 Dr. Mark Leslie Woods
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© 2009 Dr. Mark Leslie Woods