Thursday, 26 March 2009

Cardiff: BBC National Orchestra of Wales Records Soundtrack for Doctor Who at new home

[Pictured above: David Tennant as Dr Who]

BBC National Orchestra of Wales Records Soundtrack for Doctor Who at new home

Dyddiad Rhyddhau: 24 March 2009

Time Travelling Orchestra BBC National Orchestra of Wales is currently recording the soundtrack for BBC Wales' new episodes of Doctor Who.

The Orchestra's music will be heard adding drama to the filmed action of David Tennant and the programme's other stars later this year beginning with the first of four Doctor Who specials on air at Easter.

Some of the Orchestra players took time out during the session to do some time travelling of their own as Doctor Who's TARDIS made a timely stop in Cardiff Bay.

Doctor Who theme tune by Nigel Kennedy - BBC Proms 2008

The Orchestra are performing and recording the music at their new home and venue BBC Hoddinott Hall at Wales Millennium Centre where they moved in January.

The Orchestra are recording the soundtrack for the first time in their new facilities since they began performing the Doctor Who theme tune and soundtrack back in 2005.

Their new studio provides the perfect conditions for them to record, purpose built for their recordings for TV, BBC Radio 3 and for concert performance.

Director of BBC National Orchestra of Wales, David Murray said "We are thrilled that the Orchestra records the soundtrack for this special programme and is associated with excellent BBC Wales' series.

National Orchestra of Wales

As well as being tremendously exciting for the players and the Orchestra team, the opportunity to perform a different style of music helps to showcase the diversity of the Orchestra.

It is also particularly exciting to be recording a soundtrack in our new home for the first time since our move here in January with the excellent recording and performing facilities that BBC Hoddinott Hall offers to the Orchestra".

BBC National Orchestra of Wales received a Beacon Award for Excellence by the Arts Council of Wales in 2008.

Cerddorfa Genedlaethol Gymreig y BBC yn Recordio Trac Sain Doctor Who yn ei chartref newydd

Dyddiad Rhyddhau: 24 Mawrth 2009
David Tennant fel Dr Who

Ar hyn o bryd mae Cerddorfa Genedlaethol Gymreig y BBC yn Teithio drwy Amser yn recordio trac sain penodau newydd Doctor Who ar gyfer BBC Wales.

Clywir cerddoriaeth y Gerddorfa yn ychwanegu drama at anturiaethau ar ffilm David Tennant a sêr eraill y rhaglen yn ddiweddarach eleni gan gychwyn â'r gyntaf o bedair rhaglen Doctor Who arbennig ar yr awyr dros y Pasg.

Cymerodd rhai o chwaraewyr y Gerddorfa hoe fach yn ystod y sesiwn i deithio drwy amser eu hunain pan roddodd TARDIS Doctor Who dro amserol am Fae Caerdydd.

Mae'r Gerddorfa'n perfformio ac yn recordio'r gerddoriaeth yn ei chartref a'i hoedfan newydd, Neuadd Hoddinott y BBC yng Nghanolfan Mileniwm Cymru lle'r ymfudodd ym mis Ionawr.

Dyma'r tro cyntaf i'r Gerddorfa'n recordio'r trac sain yn ei chyfleusterau newydd ers iddi ddechrau perfformio arwyddgan a thrac sain Doctor Who dro'n ôl yn 2005.

Gallifrey - Doctor Who

Mae ei stiwdio newydd yn cynnig yr union amgylchiadau iddi recordio, wedi'i chodi i'r pwrpas ar gyfer ei recordiadau i'r teledu, BBC Radio 3 ac ar gyfer perfformio cyngherddau.

Meddai Cyfarwyddwr Cerddorfa Genedlaethol Gymreig y BBC, David Murray "Rydym wrth ein bodd mai'r Gerddorfa sy'n recordio trac sain y rhaglen arbennig yma a'i bod ynghlwm â'r gyfres ragorol ar BBC Wales.

Ar ben bod yn aruthrol o gyffrous i'r chwaraewyr a thîm y Gerddorfa, mae'r cyfle i berfformio gwahanol fath o gerddoriaeth yn helpu i roi stondin i amryw ddoniau'r Gerddorfa.

Mae hefyd yn arbennig o gyffrous cael recordio trac sain yn ein cartref newydd am y tro cyntaf ers i ni ymfudo yma ym mis Ionawr a chennym y cyfleusterau recordio a pherfformio rhagorol sydd gan Neuadd Hoddinott y BBC i'w cynnig i'r Gerddorfa."

Enillodd Cerddorfa Genedlaethol Cymreig y BBC Ddyfarniad Cwmni Disglair gan Gyngor Celfyddydau Cymru yn 2008.

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