Thanks for visiting my blog -- this is another expansion for me, into my own, Web 2.0 environment extension. I'm planning a complete re-design of my web site, once I finish my dissertation, and get a job (First Things First, huh?).
Be sure to visit my friends at the Celtic Cafe -- Say Hello to Bernadette and to Louise for me!
And while you're surfing, say hello to Carwyn at the Arizona Welsh League:
Diolch yn fawr iawn a Hwyl Fawr i bawb!
Celtic Cafe, Carwyn Edwards, Arizona Welsh League, Mark Leslie Woods, BBC Wales, S4C, Glamorgan
[Celtic Cafe]
A better address for Celtic Cafe would be:
Thanks, Louise!
Well, I have to leave at least one comment to wish you Happy Blogging, my dear!
Visit Marc Miami My Space UK to go directly to my personal MySpace page called Marc Miami
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